1. Set up an E-commerce Store for creative gifts: Christmas, as we all know is a time for gifting. People are all the time looking for unique gifts for their loved ones. An Online store can be set up by connecting with sellers of different types of creative gifts. Through your E-commerce store, you can showcase your collection of gifts that are distinct and more affordable than those offered by the brick and mortar stores.
2. Baking services: If you enjoy baking, then this is the best time to earn revenue out of your talent. Christmas is the time for cookies and cakes. And, who doesn’t love homemade cookies and cakes? Use effective marketing to advertise your services and you are in business!
3. Store for Christmas decoration items: Everyone loves to decorate a Christmas tree. Why not offer Christmas decoration items at a convenient location in the neighborhood? Well! You can modify your garage to look like an attractive store for these items. With reduced overheads, you could definitely think of passing on the benefit to your customers. After all, Christmas is a time for giving, why not offer these products at reasonable rates to them! This will draw the customers away from retail stores towards your store. However, you should not forgo your profits, after all, what is a business for?
Besides the tree, customers also look for products to decorate their homes. You could offer items such as decorative lights, artifacts relevant to the Christmas theme, etc.
4. Offer online decoration services: Even though it is the holiday season, people are hard pressed for time. This is because of activities such as socializing, shopping, etc. But everybody wants his/her home decorated. If you have spare time, why not utilize it productively. You can offer online services such as decoration of the Christmas tree, the house and even, gift wrapping. You can connect with individuals who provide these services and schedule the decoration service as per the client’s convenience. You get paid by the client for these services.
5. Online Catering Services: Christmas time is the time for partying. This is the time when people invite guests in large numbers. But cooking for them can be an ordeal and it will eliminate the charm from the party. Therefore, many families are now looking for caterers for this purpose. You could build a brochure of a list of caterers highlighting their menus and services provided by them. Then advertise your services online for clients to pick one of the caterers through you. The reason why clients will book the services through you is because they have the facility to compare multiple services on a single platform and avail them through you. You will be the link between the caterer and the client.
6. Rent out your space: If your home is located in the vicinity of an attractive tourist destination and you are planning to go on a holiday, why not rent it out to tourists? Space renting is becoming a popular concept globally. You can definitely capitalize on your unused space. Rent it out and earn while enjoying a vacation!
7. Set up an online garment store: Statistics show a peak in online sales during Christmas. This is because people do not prefer to travel on congested roads; struggle with parking, or stand in long check-out queues in stores while shopping. They would rather shop from the comfort of their homes. You can definitely make the most of this opportunity by setting up your very own E-commerce store for winter garments.