Algorithmic updates that have impacted search results:
1. Panda: It was launched on 24 February 2011. It penalizes for duplicate or plagiarized content, user-generated spam, and keyword stuffed content.
Panda assigns a quality score to web pages based on which they are ranked. To start with Panda was only a filter. However, since January 2016 it has become a core algorithm. In fact, Panda rollouts have become more frequent speeding up the penalties and frequencies.
How to avoid penalties by Panda:
- You can carry out regular checks of your site for content duplication, thin content, and keyword stuffing with tools such as SEMRush, etc.
- In case of an Ecommerce site use original images and create unique product descriptions based on customer reviews.
- Avoid trying to trick search engines
- Increase social signals by adding social sharing buttons.
- Clear out internal linking, especially of footer links and anchor-text-rich optimization.
- Avoid cross links from sites that are in your control.
2. Penguin: It was launched on 24th April 2012. It penalizes spammy or irrelevant links and links with over-optimized anchor texts. The aim of this algorithm is to down-rank manipulative sites. It works in real time.
How to avoid penalties by Penguin:
- You can run regular audits with a backlink checking tools such as SEM Rush to evaluate the growth of link on your profile. These tools depict the progress graph for your link’s profile growth. Any unusual spikes in the graph indicate unexpected backlinks you might have gained. You can also utilize Google Search Console to check all backlinks by the option “links to my site”.
- Avoid unnatural links such as
- Numerous links from irrelevant sources pointing to the website.
- Purchased links
- Ignoring the context and randomly using links.
- Link Schemes
- Keyword Stuffing
- Excessive SEO.
3. HummingBird: It was launched on August 22, 2013, with the purpose to minimize low-quality content. It penalizes content with keyword stuffing or poor quality.
Hummingbird provides searcher results based on his complete query rather than for individual words. Although keywords are important, Hummingbird enables ranking of a page for a query despite the page not containing exact words entered by the searcher. This is possible because of natural language processing that relies on latent semantic indexing, co-occurring terms, synonyms, etc.
You will need to broaden your keyword research. Your focus should be on concepts rather than keywords. Carry out a research on related searches, synonyms, and co-occurring terms.
You will need to orient your content so that it is focused around your audience. The content should address the needs the needs, concerns, queries of the audience. This type of content will provide better engagement.
How to avoid penalties by Hummingbird:
- Long tail keywords: Having long tail keywords enable better understanding of the query rather than simply ranking for it.
- Conversational content: A conversational tone in the content is preferred since the user searches information using it.
- Mobile Optimization: Conversational content that is optimized for mobile is prominent.
- Proper structured data markup: A structured data markup ensures better results.
- Build strong inbound and outbound link: This ensures better authority and credibility.
4. Pigeon: It was launched on 24th July 2014 in the US and December 22nd, 2014 in Canada, UK, and Australia.
It penalizes sites with poor On-page and Off-page SEO.
Searches in which, the location of the user plays a part are most affected by Pigeon. It creates closer ties between core algorithm and local algorithm. Local results are ranked based on traditional Search Engine Optimization criteria.
How to avoid penalties by Pigeon
- Use localized names and addresses for better results.
- Maintain consistency in Name, phone number, and address.
- Ensure listing in directories.
- Getting good reviews from customers.
5. Mobile: It was launched on 21st April 2015.
It penalizes lack of a mobile version of the page and poor mobile usability.
Pages are checked by Mobilegeddon which is Google’s Mobile Update. This tool ranks pages optimized for mobile on the top while the non-optimized pages are downranked or filtered from SERPs.
How to avoid penalties
- Check the speed and usability of your site. Google’s mobile-friendly tests will depict the grey areas of your page’s mobile version. There are tools like SEM Rush that indicate the mobile responsiveness of your page.
- Monitor the Website Traffic.
- Make sure that your website is mobile friendly. Update it in case it is not mobile friendly.
6. Rank Brain: It was launched on 26th October 2015.
It penalizes for shallow content that lacks query specific features. It also penalizes a site for poor UX.
It is the third most important ranking factor. It identifies the query specific ranking factors. RankBrain is a part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm that helps Google understand the queries and provide the best matching search results to those queries.
7. Possum: It was launched on September 1, 2016.
It protects against tense competition in your target location.
According to the Possum update, you are more likely to see a business address in your search results that is closer to your location. In other words, the search results are based on the location of the searcher. It also boosts the businesses which are located outside the city.