To help you in enhancing the loading speed of your website, Google has launched Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP. It is an open-source coding standard for publishers. AMP instantly loads pages since it is a streamlined version of CSS. It eliminates many constituents of a desktop website which are clunky and slow for a mobile. This encourages readers to visit your site and it directly boosts your ranking. It is built on existing web technologies using a new open framework called AMP HTML. It enables websites to build lightweight pages that are quick to load. It has helped solve many difficulties faced by users. AMP’s are web pages which are optimized for quick loading. They are comprised of light HTML codes which improve the user’s mobile experience. They also focus on the primary content.Subscribe us to keep yourself updated
This leads us to the question, “How Accelerated Mobile Pages boost the ranking of a website?”
If mobile Google SERP is analyzed, it can be observed that the top ranking pages are those that are aligned as per AMP format. Let us now see why Google treats these pages as special and gives them a better ranking.
Pages as per AMP format are quick loading: One of the basic criteria for Google ranking is the time taken for loading the page. AMP load faster because they have a light HTML code and it eliminates unwanted CSS and JS files.
AMP provide better user experience: AMP pages provide the users a better user experience. This is because they restrict the display of unwanted elements such as images, sidebars, etc. These elements also reduce the loading speed of pages.
AMP helps you feature in Google’s top stories: AMP provides you the advantage that your content gets an opportunity to feature on Google’s top stories. This attracts more attention and clicks to your website. If you are in the publishing industry, you stand to gain tremendously by opting for AMP version.
Reduced Bounce Rates:
Accelerated mobile pages load fast and also provide a better user experience. This reduces the bounce rate. On the contrary, it increases the number of page visits and the time spent on the page. This is not only beneficial to the business but also boosts the ranking.
Mobile First Index: Google made an announcement regarding Mobile First Index. As per this if you want to achieve top position in mobile SERPs, it is mandatory to implement AMP.