As per the National Home Buying Survey in 1981, the highest-rated information source in the home search, after real estate agents, were Newspapers. Fast forward to 2020, statistics reported 97% of homebuyers using the Internet for home search. While some may accredit this rise to COVID-19, another study conducted by the National Association of Realtors Research Group revealed that 76% of homebuyers used a smartphone or tablet for their search, with millennials being the most dominant among the group. 

All these statistics together point to how important it is to be on the first page of the search results. If you’re not, you’re probably missing out on a large chunk of potential leads. Fret not! With real estate SEO to your rescue, you can lead the SERPs(Search Engine Results Pages) to attract homebuyers and grow your bottom line. This article will discuss ways you can master real estate SEO and succeed in the world that’s turning digital day by day.


The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate SEO in 2023: How to Rank Higher in Google?